Acoustic Pianos
Grand pianos (Horizontal pianos)
The Grand pianos, got their name because of their length, and since their strings are placed horizontally.
These large types of pianos are mainly used for solos and concerts. The largest grand piano is 9 feet long.
If you're playing piano professionally you would probably prefer the Grand piano since
because of their powerful tone and their far more responsive key action.
Here are six types of the grand piano from the smallest to the biggest:
Petite Grand 4'5"- 4'11" in length
Baby Grand Piano 5'- 5'6"
Medium Grand 5'7"
Parlor Grand/Living Room Grand piano/Classic 5'9"- 6'1"
Professional/Ballroom Grand/Semi Concert Grand 6'5"-7'5"
Concert Grand 7'6"- 9'6"
Grand pianos (Horizontal pianos)
The Grand pianos, got their name because of their length, and since their strings are placed horizontally.
These large types of pianos are mainly used for solos and concerts. The largest grand piano is 9 feet long.
If you're playing piano professionally you would probably prefer the Grand piano since
because of their powerful tone and their far more responsive key action.
Here are six types of the grand piano from the smallest to the biggest:
Petite Grand 4'5"- 4'11" in length
Baby Grand Piano 5'- 5'6"
Medium Grand 5'7"
Parlor Grand/Living Room Grand piano/Classic 5'9"- 6'1"
Professional/Ballroom Grand/Semi Concert Grand 6'5"-7'5"
Concert Grand 7'6"- 9'6"
The measurement is taken from the front of the keyboard to the farthest point of the bend at the back of the piano.
Widths vary between 54" to 57". The height from the floor to the underside of the keyboard is usually 24" and 28" to the top of the keys.
This can vary slightly between manufactures. A grand piano is also quite heavy.
The smallest models of Steinway (5'1") weigh 550 pounds and up to nearly 1000 pounds for a full size concert grand.
Vertical Pianos (Upright Pianos)
Upright pianos or Vertical Pianos are called that way because of their height and since their strings are places vertically. These types of pianos are often installed in living rooms, dens, schools and churches since the don't take up any more room then a couch or bookcase.
Widths vary between 54" to 57". The height from the floor to the underside of the keyboard is usually 24" and 28" to the top of the keys.
This can vary slightly between manufactures. A grand piano is also quite heavy.
The smallest models of Steinway (5'1") weigh 550 pounds and up to nearly 1000 pounds for a full size concert grand.
Vertical Pianos (Upright Pianos)
Upright pianos or Vertical Pianos are called that way because of their height and since their strings are places vertically. These types of pianos are often installed in living rooms, dens, schools and churches since the don't take up any more room then a couch or bookcase.
Spinets are the smallest type of the pianos. If your apartment is limited in space a spinet would serve you well.
In 1935, the Wurlitzer Company built the first 39" tall vertical piano and called it a spinet. In the same year, the Haddorf Piano Company of Rockford, IL (1901-1960), introduced a 36" tall vertical spinet during the National Association of Music Merchants convention in Chicago.
There are six types of the upright pianos from the smallest to the biggest:
Spinet 35"-37" in height
Consolette 38"-39"
Console 40"-43"
Studio 44"-47"
Professional 48"-60"
Saloon 36"-60"
Electric and digital pianos
Electric pianos first became popular with jazz musicians, because the pianist could duplicate the solo breaks of a guitarist
along with the cording of a piano. Because electric pianos can be carried on the road without going out of tune,
many traveling bands use electric pianos and synthesizers almost exclusively.
The Fender Rhodes
The Clavinova
The Clavinet
The Clavinova
The Clavinet
Hammond Organ
Electric organ invented in the 1930's which makes its sound with spinning metal tone
wheels which are sensed by pickups and then it's amplified by an electric amplifier
Electric organ invented in the 1930's which makes its sound with spinning metal tone
wheels which are sensed by pickups and then it's amplified by an electric amplifier